Friday, December 19, 2008

Tulips In A Bowl WIP

Sketch Stage
Background wash in to offset yellows and ochres in tulips. Bowl painted completely.
Starting to paint tulips.
Continuing with painting tulips. Purple under-painting done for bugleboys.

This is the WIP of a replacement painting I'm doing for my mother for her birthday. Her original painting was a victim of the postal system and never found it's way to her. At first I was a little saddened by this because of the fact that I worked hard on the other painting and because she would have to wait now for her birthday present. Then when reality set in and I realized she'd never receive it, I started working on this and realized this one was 10 times nicer than the other one and that maybe it was a sort of blessing in disquise, because now she'd have THIS particular beautiful painting instead. I still miss the other one and wish I would have thought to take a picture of it before I sent it out in the mail. I just figured I would have her take a photo and send it to me. Oh well. That was another learning lesson. Now I take frequent pictures of my works, including their processess, that way I'll always have a record of my work. =) Hope you all enjoy! I'm hoping to have this finished soon...and it's further along than the pictures above show, I just haven't taken an updated one since the last was taken. The tulips are all completed now and I only have the bugleboys to paint now.

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