Saturday, June 13, 2009

Frango Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Living in the Chicago area you find lots of delicacies, and one that our family loves is Frango Chocolates. These little bite sized mint chocolate candies are to die for! When Marshal Fields closed, I panicked thinking that that meant no more Frango Mints! But, lucky for all us fanatics out there, Frango Chocolates has survived. Now that I live away from Chicagoland, I can't get these any time I want, so when my mother-in-law (who's recipe this is...and who is by far a more superior cook than myself) brought me this box during there last visit I squeeled! I admit I ate half the box before I decided to quite hogging all the chocolate goodness and share the wealth. Here's what you'll need:

Ingredients (I even took a picture for you!)
1 cup Imperial Margarine (two sticks)
2 eggs
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cap Watkins Vanilla (or one teaspoon the other stuff.)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
12 chocolate chips

How to:

Step One: If your using Frango Mint Choclate pieces like the ones above, you'll have to chop them up into little chips like so: (I know they look yummy, try not to drool on your keyboard.)
Step Two: In a large bowl cream together: Imperial Margerine, eggs, brown sugar, white sugar and vanilla. (Should look like picture below.)

Step Three: Add in flour, salt and baking soda. Combine until you get a nice moist consistency cookie dough.

Step Four: Add in chocolate chips (or in this case, Frango Mint Chocolate pieces)
Step Five: Spoon out balls of cookie dough about 1 1/2 inches wide on cookie sheet about 2 inches apart (or as you can see below, three across.) Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. DO NOT GREASE COOKIE SHEET!

Cookies should look slightly doughy when removed from oven. Don't panic, your cookies are done I promise! Let them cool for two minutes on the cookie sheet, then remove to a cooling wrack for complete cooling.
These are sooooo melt in your mouth good, especially when eaten still slightly warm! Enjoy!

1 comment:

katiegirl said...

what do you mean "12 chocolate chips"?