Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pretty "Phoebe" Bag

One of my passions is sewing. This weekend one of my friend's daughters celebrated her 11th birthday. She's a big time bag and purse collector and so I thought it might be nice to give her something that no one else would have. One of the blogs I watch, Artsy-CraftyBabe, has some great bag patterns and I've been dying to try one of them out. So, thanks to her great FREE online pattern for the "Phoebe" bag I've managed to put together this little adorable bag for her. She opened it today and LOVED it! The directions for this bag are pretty simple and straight forward and even a novice sewer could probably manage to assemble this bag. No tricky stitching with this. My total project time for this (WITH TV watching) was about two hours. There are only really two pieces to the pattern and the majority of my time was spent picking out two fabrics and fussing over my interfacing which was having fuseability issues. I liked making this bag so much I think I'm going to make another one for another birthday I have coming up, only I'd like to add a bow or some sort of appliqued flower or initial or something to the outside to personalize it a bit more.

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